"Put it to them briefly, so they will read it; clearly, so they will appreciate it; picturesquely, so they will rember it; and above all, accurately, so they will be guided by its light"
This quote by Joesph Pulitzer is posted on Leah Dobkin's bulletin board in front of her desk, and it is her guiding principle when accepting a writing project. Leah Dobkin's is a versatile writer. She writes for a variety of consumers and customers of all demographics and professional groups. Aging baby boomers and older adults are her areas of specialization. She has experience in grant writing, report writing such as annual, research and conference reports, training manuals and program evaluations. She also has produced web content, newsletters, power points, and marketing and other public relation material.
Her first book, "Soul of a Port: The Evolution of the Port of Milwaukee," was published by History Press in December 2010.
 | Legacy Letters Services
Letter writing is a lost art form, but it doesn't have to be. Ms. Dobkin is helping to revive this old art form while strengthening ties between the generations. She helps clients write Legacy Letters, highly focused letters from the heart that share a person's values, life lessons and the influences that shaped both. The letter reviews the impact a person has had on his/her family and friends, business and community. Stories are shared. Insights are revealed and valuable advice is offered based on a lifetime of experiences and learning. Legacy Letters are tailored written, and vary in length and design.
Who Wants A Legacy Letter?
CEO's, community leaders, politicians, retired people or other exceptionally busy people, or people who just don't enjoy or feel completely comfortable with writing.
How are Legacy Letters Created?
Legacy Letters are based on informal recorded interviews, either in person, over the phone, Skype, or a combination of all three. Leah Dobkin carefully listens, records and writes what you want to say. All you have to do is talk and review what she writes. It is a collaborative process, but you have the final say as to what goes into the letter. The result is a unique letter or book that pulls together, clearly and interestingly, everything you wanted to share with your children and grandchildren, but never did.
This is the time not to procrastinate, and get your wisdom down on paper. You have a lot to offer. Give a gift to your family that can be passed on from generation to generation. A Legacy Letter will be cherished more than any gift you have ever given.
 | Marketing and Media Relations/Public Relations
Ms. Dobkin has experience providing marketing and PR services such as developing press releases, press advisories, brochures, flyers and advertising for small and large businesses and organizations and associations, municipal, county, state and national levels of government and academia. She has represented organizations on both radio and television.
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Public Speaking and Training
Leah Dobkin is a national speaker and consultant. She has spoken at conferences and provided training and consultation in over thirty states on various aging topics such as retirement housing, aging-in-place/home adaptation and safety, and corporate elder care/working family caregivers. She also has extensive experience as a public speaker and trainer in organizational capacity building, fundraising, and board development.